Erin & Andrew

Celeste - Maid of Honor


Bestie... friends since middle school. Just amazing. Couldn't imagine life OR a wedding without her!

Minta - Bridesmaid


From work buddies to partners in crime... incredibly supportive and loyal. Would be certifiably insane without her!

Jenna - Bridesmaid


Future sister-in-law... getting closer everyday. Love her, and can't wait to be family!

Steve - Best Man


Baseball bonds run as deep as any. Teammates in college and best friends ever since. Basically a no-brainer.

Mat - Groomsman


Another teammate, and close friend. Now co-coach of the next generation of ball players... next collaboration, wedding!

Phil - Groomsman


Played together in high school, and managed to keep in touch with 3000 miles between. So great that he can be a part of this special day!